DISCLAIMER: Reading this web page may cause things to happen that you probably would not otherwise care about. Things auch as free thought, free speech. And by "free", I mean outside of the norm. Not in the box. Outside of the loop. Honest, yet rejected by modern, consumeristic society. You have been warned.


When I speak of truth, I do not mean ideas or opinions. There's already too many of those. If you think about it, for any and every idea floating around out there, there can only be ONE actual truth about that idea. For example, when we die, do we go to heaven or hell? Or do we come back time after time to better ourselves? The only way to find that out is to FUCKING DIE! Therefore, noone has the right to tell me his or her "opinion" about death unless he or she is already dead. In that case, they can't share their opinion, so I don't give a shit about that opinion now anyway. See where I'm going with this? Universal truth not only applies to matters of death, but to any and all subjects that exist. Now some of these truths have enogh proof behind them to warrent us not looing for it anymore. Gravity for instance. Ball goes up, ball comes down. Everytime. No exception. That's pretty solid evidence to me. Thus, this web page. Another example of waste that permeates our society in force. What I present to you here is universal truth....MY WAY! These things I have found to be true based on my life's experiences. If you don't agree with me, EMAIL ME and tell me why. Not that I'll care, mind you, but if you were dumb enough to read this in the first place, well, you might as well write and tell me. Have fun and stay drunk!